Your AI-based
personal assistant

Solve personal and business problems faster with advanced technology

Your smart assistant
in Telegram
Отправляйте помощнику фотографии, иллюстрации, презентации или даже видео. Он отлично понимает, что на картинке, и поможет разобраться.
Распознаёт изображения
Обращается к вам по имени и понимает ваш род деятельности. Поддержит в сложных ситуациях, даст совет и вдохновит на действия.
Заботится о вас
Помощник удерживает контекст беседы, с ним можно вести долгие разговоры на любые темы.
Поддерживает диалог
Пересылайте сообщения из других переписок или Telegram-каналов. Просите проанализировать информацию, помочь составить корректный ответ или дать экспертное мнение.
Анализирует сообщения
Записывайте и отправляйте ассистенту голосовые сообщения, диктуйте идеи или запросы на ходу.
Понимает речь
Мгновенно найдет информацию, проанализирует данные, напишет текст или нарисует картинку — как живой ассистент, только быстрее.
Решает задачи
Your personal AI assistant is always connected in a separate chat room as a friend.
And this is probably the most convenient way to interact with artificial intelligence today.
AI assistant helps you handle routine tasks faster and more efficiently and be more productive.
Search for information
Search for important information, links, information about counterparts, things or objects directly in Telegram. Get information about the content of individual html pages.
Work with documents
Attach documents: presentations, scans, articles or contracts and have the Assessor analyze the content, summarize or translate.
Work with tasks, links and notes
Work with images
Visualize ideas, process photos, create illustrations for social media and come up with images in any style.
Do the math
Ask the AI assistant to do a profit calculation, figure out the cost of goods with markup, overpayment of interest on loans, or some other calculation.
Analyze images and video
Send him pictures of products and ask him to create a promotional description. Draw a diagram of the interface and ask it to write code. These are just some of the things an AI assistant can do with image recognition.
As well as a host of other features
which you'll learn about after you create your AI assistant.
One assistant – dozens of useful features
Ask the AI assistant to save tasks, contacts, links, or notes, and then ask the assistant for that information.
Ваш умный помощник, прямо в Telegram
The assistant is already set up to understand you, so communication will be as natural as possible.
Once you sign up, we'll provide handy tips to help you learn how to work more effectively with AI.
We respect privacy, so Intellbot does not record your communication history with the assistant.
The documents and files you send it to analyze are sent to it simply as text and are not stored anywhere.
Intellbot's AI assistants do their job more professionally than most alternatives.
20+ built-in and native features to solve 90% of business and personal tasks.
3 easy steps to start using the Assistant
You'll need it to set up the assistant, and it takes no more than a minute to fill out.
Get an e-mail
After filling out the form, we will send you a link to access your personal assistant. It will appear in your Telegram as a separate correspondence.
Use and learn
We'll also give you a little guidance on how to make your requests more efficient.
Suitable for everyone
Advanced technologies
We use a system of AI-agents with CoT (Chain of Thought) method of thinking and a lot of neural networks to solve a variety of tasks. Our solution is not just a “Chatterbox”, but a useful functional assistant for different cases of life.
Easy access
Communication with the AI assistant takes place in a separate Telegram correspondence. You can forward messages from other chats, record voice messages, attach files in the usual interface.
AI training
After registration, we provide a handy guide on how to work with Artificial Intelligence. The assistant itself will also tell you what it can do.
Will help you in your business and tasks regardless of your profession, age, skills, etc.
What users say
Oleg Beriev
President of the international branding agency Mildberry
My assistant and I communicate several times a day, it's fast and convenient. I write or voice-over, loading it with everything that I am too lazy to do myself, or don't have time, or don't know how to do.
Alex Molchanov
Entrepreneur, musician, brand creator KARMA
Intellbot has been a real eye-opener for me and has made working in show business and the fashion industry much easier.
Farida Akhundova
Head of Business Unit for Financial Products and Services at MegaFon
Intellbot is a great assistant in optimizing work. I use it for completely different tasks: for writing emails, creating quick references and pictures, transcribing audio, searching and organizing information, selecting contractors and restaurants. Assistant helps me save up to 2 hours a day!
With the help of a business assistant, I create unique shows for YouTube, from choosing the title to developing concepts and details. It has helped me with design, writing descriptions to clothing articles and more. It is truly a versatile tool that makes my work more efficient and allows me to focus on creativity and strategic business development.
I constantly mix work with personal, he copes perfectly with any tasks. It's very simple: set a task in Telega as I want and when I want, get the result, discuss, clarify, correct.
I believe that the development of such solutions should have a big impact on the effectiveness of time management.
Up to 2.5 hours per day of work time savings
On performing routine tasks
Up to 70% increase in decision-making speed
On performing analytical tasks
Up to 50% stress reduction and increased motivation
Through personalized support
100% absence of FOMO (fear of missing out)
By acquiring AI skills
With Intellbot you get
Start for free and then choose the plan that suits you by the number of helper requests you need to make
Simple and without complicated steps. No payment details required.
15 Assistant calls
All features included
Enough to fall in or out of love
1 990 ₽
One-time payment, valid until you run out of paid calls.
+100 Assistant calls
All features included
Full support by our team
Feature updates
Payment is due after the assistant has been created.
3 990 ₽
One-time payment, valid until you run out of paid calls.
+200 Assistant calls
All features included
Full support by our team
Feature updates
Payment is due after the assistant has been created.
4 990 ₽
Monthly subscription.
All features included
Full support by our team
Feature updates
Payment is due after the assistant has been created.
Ответы на частые вопросы
Yes, our assistants are context and task specific. Whether it's the oil industry or show business, work or personal tasks, the assistant adapts and helps with everything.

We offer AI assistants for employees