A guide to using AI assistants
from Intellbot.

Working with texts
Intellbot can translate text into any language, make a short extract, check spelling and punctuation, rewrite in any style. Even generate any text based on your input!
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If you don't like to write, send a voice message. You can record long speeches. No need to rehearse.
Ask Intellbot to generate text
for your task.
You can continue to work with the text - adjusting and improving it to suit your purposes.
Try to stylise your text.
The assistant will remember the context of your interaction and help you improve the text.
Do it as in life.
It is better to formulate it in
as much detail as possible.
AI may not reach the level of literary classics (that's just for now!) 😀
But the text can turn out to be very original and funny.
Intellbot is able to create texts for your work tasks in familiar formats.
You will only have to make the necessary clarifications and edits. And he can easily help you with that, too.
For more specific tasks for your industry or company, Intellbot is better "trained" a bit beforehand.
Make a more detailed request - as if you were giving instructions to a new employee.
Add a few specific examples
Get more relevant results
Describe mandatory requirements
Working with documents
Attach documents (presentations, scans, articles or contracts) and ask an assistant
to analyse the content, summarise or translate.
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You can send pdf, docx, pptx or excel files to the assistant (tables with only 1 sheet and a small number of rows). Images can be sent in png and jpg format.
Please do not send long documents
(more than 30-50 sheets).
The assistant can analyse the document (e.g. a contract) in more depth and advise on your request.
Intellbot can help with more specific tasks
when working with documents.
For example, when working with Excel, it is not always obvious which formula is best to use and how to avoid syntax errors. The query should include a text description of the task and ask you to select a formula.
It is better to add specific values - that way the formula
will be ready to use immediately.
Attach individual slides and
pictures in any language.
The assistant will translate,
analyse and explain them.
You can even send the assistant a scan or photo of the document and ask them to perform the necessary actions.
Download the document and ask specific questions
Get options for improvement
Upload a picture of the problem from the textbook and ask for a solution and explanation
Get a detailed analysis and solution of the problem
Working with images and video
Intellbot can help you visualise ideas, create illustrations for presentations, social media and come up with images in any style.
Set the context (what you need the picture for), describe what is to be depicted, in what style and format
A picture won't always work for you the first time. Refine your request, change the content description or style.
After 2-3 queries, you will surely get the results you want.
Get the result in 10 seconds
For the most accurate results, be as detailed as possible about everything you want to see in the picture.
The assistant will take into account all the details and the image won't have to be refined.
Intellbot can not only create images according to your clear request, but also help you generate and visualise your ideas.
The assistant will take into account all the details and the image won't have to be refined.
picture format + object + action + style
A formula for the enquiry:
Intellbot knows many artists, photographers, designers and is able
to apply their styles when generating images.
Assistant can quickly realise the most incredible
visualisations you're unlikely to find online! 😉
Intellbot can also work "in reverse" - recognise photos, diagrams, text, videos using computer vision.
You can upload not only pictures, but also videos. You can even ask the assistant to find information about items on the Internet and on marketplaces.
Upload a photo or picture
Write your question
The assistant will help you figure out
Describe the target audience and other wishes for the description
Get the
finished text
Upload a photo
The assistant will help you write product descriptions for your website or marketplaces in the required style and for the right audience
You can expand on the description - ask an assistant to assess the look, advise on what to add to it and how to style it.
The assistant will help you decipher handwritten text from a scan or picture and translate it immediately into any language.
...Also, to try and explain a meme you don't understand!
Search and systematisation of information
Intellbot will help you find the content you need on the web and present it immediately in a convenient way.
For example:
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Ассистент может найти видео на Youtube по вашему запросу, рассказать его краткое содержание и прислать ссылки для просмотра.
То же самое — с любой другой информацией по вашему запросу. Intellbot выведет её в нужном вам формате и учтёт ваши требования.
У ассистента есть «долгосрочная память». Сохраняйте задачи, контакты, ссылки или расходы в заметки, а потом запрашивайте эту информацию и анализируйте её.
Попросите помощника записывать ваши расходы
Он поможет вам вести учет и анализировать бюджет
The formula for a request:
purpose + task + context and details + role + limits
[желание или конечная цель]
Объясни/помоги/расскажи мне
Обязательно учти
[контекст или важные детали]
Расскажи мне так, будто ты/представь, что ты
Уложись в
Математические подсчеты и работа с кодом
Попросите ассистента сделать расчет прибыли, прикинуть стоимость товара с наценкой, переплату процентов по кредитам или другой расчет.
Intellbot поможет вам написать код на любом языке программирования, поможет разобраться в чужом коде и найти ошибки. Но не рекомендуем писать html код. Интерфейс Телеграм его может не отобразить
Введите данные и ваш вопрос
Получите расчет в нужной форме
У интерфейса есть ограничение на количество отображаемых символов, поэтому не рекомендуем просить ассистента создавать длинные простыни кода.